from Alpha Centauri Pictures
Directed by Agustin Castaneda Produced by Jeronimo Bertran Executive Produced by Ricardo Del Rio Story by Agustin Castaneda & Joey Molina Distributed in USA by Comedy Dynamics
Ruta Madre conveys a resounding message of love, family and a celebration of culture that will charm people of every nationality regardless of what side of the border you call home.
Ruta Madre is an electrifying and hilarious rite of passage tale where American culture and Rock and Roll meet the music, traditions and beauty of Mexico. Based on a true story, Ruta Madre chronicles the magical odyssey of Daniel, a talented young Mexican-American singer and his cynical uncle Rodrigo. When his first love Daisy breaks his heart, Daniel, in emotional agony, reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego California and embarks on an epic road trip with his uncle, who is also on the run from a past that haunts him. This comical, dramatic and spiritual journey begins at the US/Mexico border, and winds its way through Tijuana, Ensenada, down the majestic Baja peninsula, through the sleepy French mining town of Santa Rosalia, and finally arriving at a family ranch in Ciudad Constitution.
Ruta Madre media and social media:
@rutamadremovieClick on the pause at the upper right corner to silence the background